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Our Work

Solace's dedication to providing outdoor workers with sun safety has led us to work on numerous tasks! Here's what we are accomplishing so far to make a change!


Sunscreen Image

Sunscreen Donations + Partnering with Outdoor Work Companies

Donating sunscreen is an important component of Solace's efforts to support outdoor workers. Apart from our awareness campaign, we are committed to making a real difference in the lives of workers. We work closely with outdoor work companies to ensure that their employees have the resources they need to stay healthy and safe while working outdoors. Discover how you can contribute and make an impact today.


Our Newsletter

At Solace, our mission is to empower the youth to lead by example and spread awareness about the importance of sun safety. Our teen-led newsletter is one of our many projects aimed towards this cause. We provide high-quality resources and information on risk factors, skin cancer, and how to avoid it. Our focus is on providing individuals with the knowledge and resources necessary to make informed decisions about sun safety. Positions are open for students interested!

Newsletter Image
SunScan app logo, made by Andra Campos


Our App

The App SunScan (available on the Google Play Store) developed by our founder, Andra Campos, is an app that provides users with an in-depth understanding of their current location's UV Index and how to interpret and act on that. Feel free to check it out!

SunScan Logo


Partnering with Hospitals to Provide Pamphlets

Solace is currently partnering with hospitals such as PIH by providing educational pamphlets on the dangers of the sun and UV rays in order to bring further awareness to our mission! Learn about how you can join this mission as well to spread awareness! 

Education Pamphlets provided by Solace

Share our pamphlets around you!

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